
Our fundraising efforts benefit all of our band programs and help keep out of pocket costs more affordable for our students. A large portion of our annual budget comes from hosting successful events such as MEPA, Jazz Cakes, Soaring Sounds, and Centerville Invitational. In addition to events, our primary fundraisers are the Spring Flower Sale, Holiday Poinsettia Sale, School Calendar Blitz, and Fan Pledge

If you are a business and would like to contribute to the Centerville Band Program, please visit our Sponsors Page. There are many opportunities for you to advertise and get involved.  

Spirit Wear is a fun way to support the band! We have an open catalog of spirit wear at Embellished Threads, and our spirit wear coordinator will have items such as mugs, bumper stickers, show buttons, etc. available for sale at various events throughout the year. 

The Centerville Band Boosters are proud to provide Basketball Concessions at men's and women's home basketball games at CHS. 

New in 2021, CBB teamed up with the Baseball Dugout Club and the City of Centerville to manage Beer Sales at the Summer Concert Series on Sunday evenings at the Stubbs Park Amphitheater. This was a fun and profitable adventure, and we look forward to continuing this fundraiser in 2022. 

Raise Right! Earn 100% Rebate towards band fees

Raise Right allows you to buy gift cards that are stored on your smart phone, while earning rebates for each purchase. Many of the participating retailers are places you likely visit on a regular basis so you will be earning rebates on money you are already spending! Your rebates are held in an account within the band program and when you are ready, you request them to be applied to your fees or to receive a check for your balance. 100% of the rebate goes into your individual account – this is not a fundraiser for the band program.  To learn more about Raise Right Fundraising, visit   "To get started fundraising for your child, contact the CBB Incoming Funds Treasurer to get the most recent enrollment code at See how EASY it is to earn rebates by watching this short video 

Don't forget about easy-to-use programs to support the band:

Rite-Aid Community Rewards Program – Rxfundraising

For each qualified prescription or in-store purchase at Rite-Aid, the Centerville Band Boosters will receive funds from Rite Aid’s RXfundraising program!  Simply follow the enrollment directions in the flyer and you’re on your way!  Every time you fill a prescription or shop and use your wellness+ rewards number at Rite Aid, you're helping to support the band program!


This program does not need to be renewed yearly but, if you haven't had a chance to sign up for your Kroger Community Rewards, go to  and make sure the Centerville Band Boosters is assigned as your nonprofit organization of choice.  

Thank you for helping support the Band programs!