Centerville High School Band Program
History of the
Centerville High School Band
Centerville High School (CHS) has boasted a Marching Band program for well over 80 years. For most of this period, CHS fielded a traditional marching band program, including drill teams and color guards.
In 1984, the marching band became known as the Centerville Jazz Band (CJB) under the direction of Wayne Markworth. Mr. Markworth held the director's position for 35 years and transitioned the traditional marching band into one that performed big band jazz in traditional and contemporary forms. The Centerville Jazz Band has been called “the world’s biggest big band” and has become known nationally for its unique music and performances. The CJB was the 1992 Bands of America Grand Nationals Champion and continues to earn top honors in local, regional and national competitions.
Today's High School Band Program
Since 2007, the band has been under the direction of Brandon Barrometti (with the assistance of Josh Baker from 2008-2018, and now with Scott Gasaway). The Centerville Band Program has continued its tradition of excellence in both marching and concert band.
During summer and fall, the local community can hear the high school's marching band, the Centerville Jazz Band (CJB) practicing for marching band competitions and local football games. CJB's dedication, hard work and jazzy sound has been recognized and honored at several local, regional and national competitions.
In the winter, select students participate in winter drumline under the direction of Tim Fairbanks. This ensemble has earned top honors in local, state and national competitions.
Throughout the school year, students learn and play a variety of music in concert band classes. The high school curricular program consists of three concert bands (Concert, Symphonic and Wind Symphony) which meet for one class period, five days a week. Curricular classes are also offered in music theory and jazz improvisation. In addition, the band program is proud of its extracurricular offerings of Basketball Pep Band (BBPB) and Pit Orchestra. Students may also be involved in one of our four jazz ensembles, all of which meet entirely after school.
The Centerville Band Program has a unique philosophy for rehearsal and performance. It is simply stated: Be Your Best!! Success, as we measure it, is striving to be the best we possibly can, every day, every practice, and every performance. The only band we want to beat is our own performance of yesterday. Being your best is a measurement of success that can be achieved by everyone.