Centerville Jazz Band Registration (2024-25)

The Centerville Jazz Band (CJB) is Centerville High School's marching band.  It has the honor of playing at Centerville High School football games and competes at local, regional and national competitions.  It is known for its unique jazzy sound and creative formations.  The CJB starts practicing in the summer before the school year begins.  In addition to working hard, the students participate in activities during band camp that help them bond with one another and form a strong team.  

On this page you will find links to all required registration/documents for members of the CJB. These forms can be filled out and electronically submitted online at any time (due before May 13th)

Band Director and District REQUIRED Forms:

These forms must be printed and signed. Note that some forms require a physician signature. These forms will be turned in WITH A PARENT/GUARDIAN PRESENT on our Turn-In night on May 13th.

Forms for during the season (if needed)